Join SSG in Planting in West Woodlawn for Our First Service Day


Join us to help planT the Mamie Till-Mobley Forgiveness Garden
and tour the Mamie Till-Mobley Cultural Center.

We will be working alongside our allies, Blacks in Green and Chicago Peace Fellows.

We will meet at the Mamie Till-Mobley Forgiveness Garden at
6354 S. St. Lawrence, Chicago.

Saturday, September 11, 2021.
10 am to 1 pm CST.
Planting for 2 hours. Tour for 1 hour.
RSVP required.

This will include a walking tour (approximately two miles.)
Please bring your own gloves, hats, tools and sunscreen, if possible.

A hearty thank you for plant donation from Midwest Groundcovers.

We will be socially-distanced while planting.
Masks are required for the inside tour.